llm-chat 0.0.0
Cllm_chat::Application | The main application class |
▼CQAbstractListModel | |
Cllm_chat::Thread | Model for the chat interface |
Cllm_chat::ThreadList | Model for the chat threads |
▼CQObject | |
▼Cllm_chat::ChatBackend | Handles the communication with the Ollama server |
CTestChatBackend | |
Cllm_chat::Message | Chat message |
▼CQQuickItem | |
CKeySequenceEditor | |
▼CQSettings | |
Cllm_chat::Settings | Wrapper around QSettings that provides a more convenient interface for accessing and modifying application settings |
▼CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
Cllm_chat::ThreadProxyList | Sorted model for the chat |